Speich srl is specialised in the production of high-quality windscreen wiper systems specifically designed for marine environments according to strict reliability and durability criteria.
Speich has been operating in the maritime and nautical sector since 1938, when the first clear-view screen was patented.
Production flexibility and experience have allowed the company to specialise in producing made-to-measure window wiper systems and their success is confirmed by the popularity of Speich windscreen wipers worldwide.
Speich exports over 60% of it's production to 15 countries and is the official supplier of the Italian Navy. Aswell as marine wipers for professional use, the company produces a line of windscreen wipers called "Speich Nautic" designed for smaller craft.
Speich employs a companywide quality system in accordance with the criteria laid down by standard UNI29002 (ISO9002).
Via Gelasio Adamoli 443,
Genova (GE), Italy
tel: +39 010 8380676
fax: +39 010 8468449
website: www.speich.com