C&C Shipping Solutions belongs to the Canepa&Campi Group (www.canepaecampi.com), a centennial company established in 1901 and specialised in "marine safety equipment".
We are a new reality in the marine market as home-made producers and distributors of IMO&ISO Safety Symbols and any kind of customised signs.
We are proud to bring to Your attention our whole production included in this catalogue specific for the Yachting Market, with sizes ranging from AA (5x5cm) of IMO Symbols to DA (15x5cm) of ISO Symbols or any other required size.
We are also specialised in producing IMO&ISO Safety Symbols on Plexiglass (our code PL) in order to meet the highest requirement of interior design.
Via Borzoli 109 Q r,
16153 Genova (GE), Italy
tel: +39 010 6001830
fax: +39 010 6518941
website: www.cc-marine.com